Blended Giving: Make an Impact Now and Later

Pair a Gift for Today with One for the Future

You can make a difference at Leader Dogs for the Blind both today and tomorrow. How? By combining a current gift with one for the future. This type of giving, called blended giving, allows you to make an even bigger impact than you thought possible.

Making a blended gift is easier than you think. Simply choose a gift that works for you today and pair it with one for the future.

Make an Impact Today
Cash or check
Stock or appreciated assets
Tangible personal property
Donor advised fund
Gift from your IRA
Make a Difference Tomorrow
Gift in your will or living trust
Retirement plan assets
Bank or brokerage accounts
Life insurance policies

Why Blended Giving?

When you combine a gift today with a gift for the future, you:

  • Help Leader Dog plan for the future with confidence, while meeting our needs today
  • Ensure we can continue our work while making a difference for those we serve today
  • Inspire others to give, while creating a legacy at Leader Dog

Plan Your Giving Strategy

Finding the best combination of gifts to meet your charitable and financial goals can be challenging. We are happy to work with you and your financial advisor or estate planning attorney to help you find the best giving options to meet your needs.

Do More Than You Imagined

See the impact you can make at Leader Dogs for the Blind both today and in the future. Contact Lora Cabarios at or 248.650.7109 to learn more, or for help getting started finding the right gift for you.