Client Becomes Donor After Being Blessed by Leader Dog

Mark Harris with Izzy

Mark Harris with Izzy

When Mark Harris began his journey with Leader Dogs for the Blind 15 years ago, his first Leader Dog, Callie, constantly surprised him with everything she could do. He appreciated Callie’s curious nature and how she loved to stop and smell flowers. Most of all, he appreciated how well they worked together.

Mark is now working with his third Leader Dog, Izzy, who has an energetic and inquisitive nature. He describes Izzy as his “perfect match.” Along with his wife, Judith, Mark leads an active life due in large part to the independence he has maintained with his three Leader Dogs over the years.

“The impact Leader Dog has on the lives of people who are blind and their families goes far beyond anyone’s imagination,” said Mark.

The Harris’ became founding members of Leader Dog’s Legacy Society because they wanted others to have the opportunity to experience the same active, social and professional life Mark has been blessed with. Mark has served on school boards and community boards, which he feels would not have been possible without his dogs.

“Many clients will achieve not only independence,” said Mark, “But maybe a better job opportunity or can further their skills for new job opportunities and the ability to be involved in their community.”

By designating a gift in their will, Mark and Judith have helped ensure that Leader Dogs for the Blind is around long into the future.

To learn how you can help ensure that the Leader Dog mission continues for generations to come, please contact Lora Cabarios at or 248.650.7109.